Great post! Wonderfully put together, music, camera shots, the suspense you factored in making the viewer wait to see whether or not you'd continue your vlog. Great!
I just discovered your blog, Andrei--did you know Blogger is featuring you on its "Blogs of Note?" Congrats! I'm a college English professor and LOVE your stories. And your English is better than that of many of my native speaker students. :-) Keep up the great work! I look forward to your future posts! Thanks so much for bringing this treasure to the blogosphere.
I just found your blog, Andrei...I'm just across the river in NJ, and I really liked how you worked the city rooftop into your last vlog. Keep posting; you're doing great!
Please don't let this be your last episode! I only just discovered your blog! Its very interesting to see a different perspective and very refreshing one at that!
Wao, I just found your blog today, I have bad english too, and.. you know what, I don't have english. Anyway, just keep going, I have had the same question, if do I stop write in my blog.. but I think that is a space when you free your mind and feelings. Congrats.!
Over the next "40 episodes" you'll have more experiences, discover more stories and I'll be watching. Thank you for publishing parts of your life. I'm watching, with much interest: The Mom and Me Journals Dot Net
I just saw your blog listed on the blogs of note, just like quite a few of the others here, and I gotta say I'm hooked.... :o)
I do hope this isn't the last... I watched all the episodes in one day, and now I feel like I've eaten all the candy, and not ever getting anymore ever... hehe.
Anyhow... I do hope you keep going with this... I'm a canuck, but I still wanna hear those other forty stories, of coming to america... :o)
Take care Andrei... and yes... you do speak wonderful english... :o)
You actually speak perfect English! If that is bad English, I think mine could be worse, hehe... great shots and I love those downtown buildings. Keep up the good work.
I love your blog! I came across it today as one of the featured blogs. It is original on so many levels (the stories, the film stuff, and from a technological standpoint) so I just wanted to say "bravo!" and I look forward to reading future posts.
wow! that is skill the way you edited all the footage together with music. very reflective. i encourage that you keep blogging. It's a good way of relaxing - a wind down to the day.
you encourage me to keep working hard in media studies (video classes) in school
It happened that I stumbled upon your blog tonight. I found it very captivating and the same time very remarkable. You have created a sanctuary to non english speaking people, often feeling trivial due to language barrier. Thank you for sharing this blog and I am hoping you’ll continue your journey and keep us posted.
This is the first time I've ever seen your vlog, and wow...pretty great stuff here. You are an amazing story teller, and congrats on that man. Keep going...definitely don't give up. People can definitely benefit from all of this!
You have a wonderful site. I just found your blog and am hooked. You really should continue with is interesting to see the America through your eyes and adventures.
Amazing video blog. It takes a lot of courage to post a video of yourself. It also takes a lot of talent to create such a good one. Keep it up! I watched a few of your entries and plan to view the rest. Great work!
Hi! So I just found your blog and I have to say I totally love it! It's so amazing and just so awesome. :) I hope you keep it and don't stop video blogging, you're very good at it. I'm only 16 and have lived in America my whole life, so it's very interesting to me to see another point of veiw.
Andrei, you rule! What a great sense of humour. Thanks for the stories, I just found your site today and watched every entry. You're now listed in my favorite links :)
It's wonderful English, I love to hear my mother tongue in all sorts of accents, I even like even American ones ;-), be sure to keep a trace of who you are in your voice.
Greetings from Sweden. Found you on blogs of note. Great to hear about your experiences of emmigrating to the U.S. Escpecially the episode about the two bags in Helsinki!
This is perhaps one of the most interesting things I have seen on blogger. And it's the kind of story I've heard several times yet it doesn't get boring.
I just "found" your blog today (today is my first day as a blogger) and I just loved it!
I still checking some of your older posts and I was just "WOW", I know exactly what he is talking about. I am originally from Brazil and I've been in the USA (California) for 7 years now and I can say that I have bad English, bad accent and bad writing. lol
It looks like I cannot learn more than I've already learned!
Great blog, I watched all of your episodes in one sitting. You do a great job of telling the stories you have, and I look forward to hearing some more. -Cril
I, like so many others here, happened upon your blog from the "Blogs of Note" link from Blogger. I watched all the videos and think you have done a wonderful job. I also agree that your English is probably way better than many of us natives! :)
I loved the dry cleaners story! I never would have guessed that's where you and your friend were.
Keep up the good work! I really like seeing your blog. I have never been out of the United States, so I can see why it would be a 'big deal' to come to a country that freedom reigns. I guess I need to be a bit more adventurous :-)
Oh, and don't learn English too quickly. For Americans like me, it is a delight and a pleasure to hear our language spoken with a foreign accent. I will be very sad if you lose yours. :)
From your intro to your outro, your stories told in words (and really not so bad English at all as you've read from your fans), lighting and sound are extremely compelling (LOVE the openings). So "Pasmotreem." I do look forward to more "raskazzi." You have so much to be proud of.
And believe me, your English is so much better than my Russian (which I studied intensively for three years! no cyrillic font loaded for this though).
Bad English? It's a matter of perspective. If everyone spoke the same way, what a very dull world this would be. People who speak bad English make my day, because they crack me up.
It kills me though when journalists and teachers spout poor English. Imagine the damage they're doing to the younger generation!
is it possible? to fall in love with a person's voice, and sense of timing and use of music and that inner melancholy that saturates it all? ah, never stop andrei. your "nothing to say" episodes bring tears to my eyes. what beauty you have wrought. lisa
I was estatic when I heard you were going to continue your vlog, but it seems it's been a month since your "last episode"! You must be planning something really great...but then, anything from you is great. I loved them all, even the Nothing to Say episodes. ;) Please keep telling your great stories-as you can see a lot of people want you to!
I discovered your blog today. As everyone's told you it's listed on "Blogs of Note" and it caught my eye because my partner is Persian and he feels his english is bad too.
But like I tell him, I like your accent because it's so wonderfully different from our boring American accents. So be proud that you sound different. Besides, a lot of women like accents.
I'm new to blogging and your video blogs have shed a new light on the possibilities of blogging.
Thanks for posting your life's experiences and allowing those of us that have watched in. It reminds me that we're all inter-connected and all part of this vast universe. And strangely enough your video blogs enlightened, encouraged, humored, relieved, relaxed and motivated me. They also caused me to reflect.
Amazing what a little assignment has done to 159+ people.
This is a great - incredibly relatable (here is my bad english shining thru) stories by any immigrant, especially from the Soviet Block - much appreciated.
Great blog. I have a question. Is it true that a person can lose their accent or not lose their accent after a certain age? just wondering. please respond. thanks.
Well it appears that everyone has already said all that I wanted to must have every female, (and maybe some males) totally in love with you. Your lovely voice, your talent in storytelling, the video and the fact that you are adorable. It took me two days but I read it all and all the comments. I wonder if you've read them all and if you ever respond. I totally enjoy your site and I think that you should turn this into a documentary to see on the Sundance Channel. I would rent it! Then you can branch out into directing your own major motion picture ok?
BTW, went to Russia in 1973, Moscow, Kiev and Leningrad. I was 16 and stupid and I am lucky to be here now..;-)
Oh, and I blog too but no one reads it or leaves comments because while I speak English very well, I certainly don't speak the language of the masses...what is it they say, "common sense is the least common of the senses"?
Andrei, you are a GREAT story teller. You truely have a gift. This is the first video-blog I have ever seen and I am greatly impressed. I will keep viewing as long as you post.
Great post! Wonderfully put together, music, camera shots, the suspense you factored in making the viewer wait to see whether or not you'd continue your vlog. Great!
Anthony, at 5/01/2006 10:48 AM
You had me worried for a little while!
Glad you're going to keep telling your stories!
missbhavens, at 5/01/2006 7:15 PM
Yeah! i'm so glad you're going to keep posting. you're such a good story-teller
Headsoff, at 5/01/2006 7:18 PM
You go on!
Great analogy.
Devin, at 5/03/2006 12:25 PM
Thanks guys. Nothing is more encouraging than comments like these. I'll definitely keep posting.
Andrei, at 5/06/2006 9:20 PM
I can't wait to see more! That "last" post was beautiful. You deserve an A in my book!
B, at 5/17/2006 10:20 PM
I just discovered your blog, Andrei--did you know Blogger is featuring you on its "Blogs of Note?" Congrats! I'm a college English professor and LOVE your stories. And your English is better than that of many of my native speaker students. :-) Keep up the great work! I look forward to your future posts! Thanks so much for bringing this treasure to the blogosphere.
Miss Kitty, at 5/24/2006 11:37 AM
I just found your blog, Andrei...I'm just across the river in NJ, and I really liked how you worked the city rooftop into your last vlog. Keep posting; you're doing great!
carey, at 5/24/2006 12:07 PM
Please don't let this be your last episode! I only just discovered your blog!
Its very interesting to see a different perspective and very refreshing one at that!
Keep it up!
Brina Bat, at 5/24/2006 12:10 PM
Great Blog!
Keep us "posted"!
MSU gal, at 5/24/2006 12:12 PM
cool blog, please keep it up.
antipax, at 5/24/2006 12:24 PM
I have just discovered your blog, and I think it's great! I am from Lima - Perú, so I can relate to the 'bad english' situation ;P
Comidas Saludables, at 5/24/2006 12:28 PM
Thanks for bringing back the smile on my face!
candy, at 5/24/2006 12:55 PM
you can't stop! i just found your blog..hmm its been a couple of weeks since you posted?
aw come on :)
andrea, at 5/24/2006 1:04 PM
You teaser you. Kept the suspense going and going....
But gladly I saw your "last" take!
Well. You don't have to visit my log. It's in Dutch. hahahaha...
Who knows. Maybe I'll be back...Let me keep you in suspense this time.
By the way, your english is good enough for me.
Maurice, at 5/24/2006 1:23 PM
Wao, I just found your blog today, I have bad english too, and.. you know what, I don't have english. Anyway, just keep going, I have had the same question, if do I stop write in my blog.. but I think that is a space when you free your mind and feelings. Congrats.!
Leo, at 5/24/2006 1:48 PM
America is very LUCKY to have you!! I loved your stories and I'm looking forward to more.
Cee Gee, at 5/24/2006 2:35 PM
Nice site! Love it!
Jammu, at 5/24/2006 2:58 PM
Over the next "40 episodes" you'll have more experiences, discover more stories and I'll be watching. Thank you for publishing parts of your life. I'm watching, with much interest: The Mom and Me Journals Dot Net
Gail Rae, at 5/24/2006 4:24 PM
I hope you are encouraged to continuing the blogging quest. Thanks for sharing...
BionicBuddha, at 5/24/2006 7:50 PM
I love how this might be your last episode and you just get added to blogger, blogs of note!
High Power Rocketry, at 5/24/2006 8:28 PM
Melissa von Nieda, at 5/24/2006 9:07 PM
I've passed quite a long time watching all your episodes, I just discovered you blog today, Keep going, it's great!
Juan, at 5/24/2006 9:52 PM
cool blog!
hope this isnt the last entry...
michelle, at 5/24/2006 10:31 PM
Pretty funny stuff. Congrats on "Blog of note".
Maurice Mitchell, at 5/24/2006 10:33 PM
you know, when i first saw the title of your blog, i immediately thought of the late 80s rock group.
duff, at 5/24/2006 10:38 PM
I just saw your blog listed on the blogs of note, just like quite a few of the others here, and I gotta say I'm hooked.... :o)
I do hope this isn't the last... I watched all the episodes in one day, and now I feel like I've eaten all the candy, and not ever getting anymore ever... hehe.
Anyhow... I do hope you keep going with this... I'm a canuck, but I still wanna hear those other forty stories, of coming to america... :o)
Take care Andrei... and yes... you do speak wonderful english... :o)
cowtownchick, at 5/24/2006 11:13 PM
This is my first encounter with a vlog, and it really opened up my eyes to new forms of blogging.
Keep up the good work.
G, at 5/25/2006 12:19 AM
Found your blog from blogs of note.. congrats Andrei!
I am impressed.. this is the one of the first video blogs I have sincerely enjoyed. Added you to my bookmarks....
adrianna, at 5/25/2006 12:42 AM
I look forward to seeing and hearing your blog. Cheers to a job so well done! Keep vlogging and I will keep watching
the warrior, at 5/25/2006 1:20 AM
You actually speak perfect English! If that is bad English, I think mine could be worse, hehe... great shots and I love those downtown buildings. Keep up the good work.
Pheng, at 5/25/2006 1:33 AM
I love your blog! I came across it today as one of the featured blogs. It is original on so many levels (the stories, the film stuff, and from a technological standpoint) so I just wanted to say "bravo!" and I look forward to reading future posts.
Elaine, at 5/25/2006 2:14 AM
Yes, man. That's great.
Just About Anything and Anyone, at 5/25/2006 2:18 AM
Are you kidding? who said your english is bad
SH - LE, at 5/25/2006 2:21 AM
wow! that is skill the way you edited all the footage together with music. very reflective. i encourage that you keep blogging. It's a good way of relaxing - a wind down to the day.
you encourage me to keep working hard in media studies (video classes) in school
Ritzy, at 5/25/2006 3:13 AM
much congrats from another guy with some bad accent dealing with similar things.
insivible, at 5/25/2006 3:35 AM
Hi Andrei --
It happened that I stumbled upon your blog tonight. I found it very captivating and the same time very remarkable. You have created a sanctuary to non english speaking people, often feeling trivial due to language barrier. Thank you for sharing this blog and I am hoping you’ll continue your journey and keep us posted.
Maria C. Gensoli, at 5/25/2006 4:15 AM
who would quit when they just got put on bloggers A list?
Evangelist, at 5/25/2006 8:52 AM
when are you going to film another entry?! can't wait after finding you on blogs of note.
Glasgow Girl, at 5/25/2006 9:35 AM
ctuI hope not! I just came across your blog. Keep going ...
Alex Iskandar, at 5/25/2006 9:40 AM
Like almost everyone else here, I just found you. Don't go away.
adspain, at 5/25/2006 10:21 AM
This is the first time I've ever seen your vlog, and wow...pretty great stuff here. You are an amazing story teller, and congrats on that man. Keep going...definitely don't give up. People can definitely benefit from all of this!
Xiti, at 5/25/2006 12:31 PM
Happy Ascension Day!
Simon, at 5/25/2006 12:58 PM
well done andrei, you deserve the A+ you are sure to get!!
internationalhome, at 5/25/2006 1:09 PM
Well Done!! You deserve the A+ you are sure to get!
internationalhome, at 5/25/2006 1:10 PM
Hillary for President, at 5/25/2006 1:16 PM
You have a wonderful site. I just found your blog and am hooked. You really should continue with is interesting to see the America through your eyes and adventures.
Hockey Mom, at 5/25/2006 5:11 PM
I'm glad to hear that this wouldn't be your last post but please! I found your blog yesterday and I'm hooked!
Joseph, at 5/25/2006 7:34 PM
I agree with everyone else, keep the fire burning.
chumly, at 5/25/2006 10:12 PM
Amazing video blog. It takes a lot of courage to post a video of yourself. It also takes a lot of talent to create such a good one. Keep it up! I watched a few of your entries and plan to view the rest. Great work!
Karen, at 5/26/2006 12:49 AM
nice view of Penn,lookinf forward for more stories!
Casino, at 5/26/2006 5:53 AM
So I just found your blog and I have to say I totally love it! It's so amazing and just so awesome. :)
I hope you keep it and don't stop video blogging, you're very good at it. I'm only 16 and have lived in America my whole life, so it's very interesting to me to see another point of veiw.
Good luck!
Shannon, at 5/26/2006 6:03 AM
Andrei, you rule! What a great sense of humour. Thanks for the stories, I just found your site today and watched every entry. You're now listed in my favorite links :)
Serena, at 5/26/2006 8:11 PM
Good images. Very impressive.
Chris (My Blog)
Chris, at 5/26/2006 9:46 PM
a tear fell...
aww. great work. keep it up.
MoKajemKo, at 5/26/2006 10:47 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
MoKajemKo, at 5/26/2006 10:48 PM
Your vlog is amazing! I've just found it and I love it...
Andrea Lioy, at 5/26/2006 11:05 PM
I agree with everyone here, you're great and you're blog's great! :)
Alison, at 5/26/2006 11:48 PM
It's wonderful English, I love to hear my mother tongue in all sorts of accents, I even like even American ones ;-), be sure to keep a trace of who you are in your voice.
GollyGumDrops, at 5/27/2006 3:56 AM
wow great blog...
keep it up.
peter t.s.k., at 5/27/2006 6:36 AM
Your videos are beautiful. They're really well-done, good work!
onebeat, at 5/27/2006 6:47 AM
A vlog like no other!
I had to denote it myself, here.
Congratulations on both your arrival in America and the superb use of Blogger!
Luminous (\ô/) Luciano™, at 5/27/2006 8:39 AM
Heya Belinda here, nice blog reeli colourful and bright, keep up the good work!
Unknown, at 5/27/2006 10:45 AM
Greetings from Sweden. Found you on blogs of note. Great to hear about your experiences of emmigrating to the U.S. Escpecially the episode about the two bags in Helsinki!
Det brusar i mitt inre
digitalfarm, at 5/27/2006 1:41 PM
i have just come across your site, pls come back soon and post
Jasmineflower, at 5/27/2006 2:23 PM
This is perhaps one of the most interesting things I have seen on blogger. And it's the kind of story I've heard several times yet it doesn't get boring.
Lembitu, at 5/27/2006 4:51 PM
No, don't go!
I just "found" your blog today (today is my first day as a blogger) and I just loved it!
I still checking some of your older posts and I was just "WOW", I know exactly what he is talking about. I am originally from Brazil and I've been in the USA (California) for 7 years now and I can say that I have bad English, bad accent and bad writing. lol
It looks like I cannot learn more than I've already learned!
Andrei please don't go, keep posting, ok? ;)
Veronica, at 5/27/2006 11:12 PM
Thankyou for your wonderful stories. You have a lovely face. w/ love from Broome, Australia x
Addie Swinhoe, at 5/28/2006 12:37 AM
Great blog, I watched all of your episodes in one sitting. You do a great job of telling the stories you have, and I look forward to hearing some more.
Crilix, at 5/28/2006 1:23 AM
Hi.I really loved to watch your episodes.But unfortunately the couldn't be played in my computer.
Anything I can do?
Maryam Ahmadzadeh, at 5/28/2006 1:56 AM
so glad you'r gona keep vlogging. of course i'm so outdated but stil. lookin' forward to your future "40 posts" or so. =)
thanks for making me smile. i love your stories 'n i like your style.
-hani =)
hani, at 5/28/2006 9:04 AM
I, like so many others here, happened upon your blog from the "Blogs of Note" link from Blogger. I watched all the videos and think you have done a wonderful job. I also agree that your English is probably way better than many of us natives! :)
I loved the dry cleaners story! I never would have guessed that's where you and your friend were.
Here's to many more great episodes!
Design Goddess, at 5/28/2006 12:06 PM
Awesome blog. I am looking forward to more exciting episodes.
Melanie Miday-Stern, at 5/28/2006 1:50 PM
Keep up the good work! I really like seeing your blog. I have never been out of the United States, so I can see why it would be a 'big deal' to come to a country that freedom reigns. I guess I need to be a bit more adventurous :-)
Eve, at 5/28/2006 6:30 PM
Nice camera work!
BJ not BK, at 5/29/2006 9:05 AM
Keep it up - your blog is great!
Hedda, at 5/29/2006 3:20 PM
Whatever you do, keep posting!
Consumer, at 5/29/2006 6:50 PM
: )
High Power Rocketry, at 5/29/2006 9:59 PM
nice blog andrei
Emilio Dib, at 5/30/2006 8:27 AM
I learn English by listening to you. You are the best professor than I know: your stories are fantastic.
Keep going, your blog is great!
deligne, at 5/30/2006 9:03 AM
Your site has given me inspiration to follow up and actually write something in my blog.
Who needs a shrink?
Think it, feel it, blog it, shed it.
Life is good. You are living proof.
Island Captive, at 5/30/2006 10:38 AM
Hey you :) I wanna see some more. I want to listen to you :) You catch me so well...Please post a new one :)
Hugs from Denmark
Autumn Rain, at 5/30/2006 2:42 PM
I just discovered your blog and it's really cool. It's in my bookmarks and I'll definitely keep reading (watching) it.
Leah, at 5/30/2006 6:47 PM
Oh, and don't learn English too quickly. For Americans like me, it is a delight and a pleasure to hear our language spoken with a foreign accent. I will be very sad if you lose yours. :)
Leah, at 5/30/2006 6:54 PM
"Molodetz" Andrei.
From your intro to your outro, your stories told in words (and really not so bad English at all as you've read from your fans), lighting and sound are extremely compelling (LOVE the openings).
So "Pasmotreem." I do look forward to more "raskazzi." You have so much to be proud of.
And believe me, your English is so much better than my Russian (which I studied intensively for three years! no cyrillic font loaded for this though).
Yasmin Waring, at 5/31/2006 2:01 AM
Bad English? It's a matter of perspective. If everyone spoke the same way, what a very dull world this would be. People who speak bad English make my day, because they crack me up.
It kills me though when journalists and teachers spout poor English. Imagine the damage they're doing to the younger generation!
carolCandy, at 5/31/2006 4:47 AM
Such a tease ;-)
Laclos, at 5/31/2006 7:26 AM
is it possible? to fall in love with a person's voice, and sense of timing and use of music and that inner melancholy that saturates it all? ah, never stop andrei. your "nothing to say" episodes bring tears to my eyes. what beauty you have wrought.
me and the other me, at 5/31/2006 9:18 AM
this is the first time I visit your vlog and I could experiment the feeling of wishing you not to stop...
taisniffi, at 5/31/2006 2:44 PM
No, do not make this your last post... post more, talk more, allow those to learn more of who you are deep inside.
unoDude Thinking, at 5/31/2006 5:46 PM
more, please more!!
Antoinette, at 5/31/2006 7:03 PM
You have a real talent. I hope you keep this up.
poemer, at 5/31/2006 11:27 PM
Love it!
Keep it up!
Pwalfan, at 6/01/2006 5:59 AM
Andrei, please, continue!!! It is fantastic what you do: so sincere and simple.
Anonymous, at 6/01/2006 10:27 AM
This my first time posting on your Blog,but keep it going.
Kevin, at 6/01/2006 11:45 AM
It seems that by law, you cannot stop posting!
Dale, at 6/01/2006 5:51 PM
I'll just be another to tell you, keep your blog...just discovered it today. I enjoyed it.
g, at 6/02/2006 12:32 AM
Hey, I just stumbled across your blog, and it seems really interesting. Keep it up; I really like your stuff.
Lonely Heart, at 6/02/2006 2:47 AM
I was estatic when I heard you were going to continue your vlog, but it seems it's been a month since your "last episode"! You must be planning something really great...but then, anything from you is great. I loved them all, even the Nothing to Say episodes. ;) Please keep telling your great stories-as you can see a lot of people want you to!
Unknown, at 6/02/2006 3:47 PM
This post is just... beautiful
I discovered your blog today and I just want to say...
PapoilaTier, at 6/02/2006 4:43 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Kathy, at 6/02/2006 6:28 PM
My english is so bad too...
And I wanna go to the USA.. Hehehehehe...
Penseira do Zé, at 6/02/2006 7:26 PM
I being Hindu myself appreciate your stories and am grateful for your time and effort! Keep up the great work!
Sanjeev Mundluru, at 6/02/2006 8:15 PM
your blog has a great contents.
plz keep it up
Reon Waterman, at 6/03/2006 4:47 AM
Hi,Andrei. I'm with bad English even now. Your idea is great and I really enjoyed them. Many thanks!
Anonymous, at 6/03/2006 7:03 AM
We need you...!
..., at 6/03/2006 10:27 AM
Your final post? (Screams to the heavens) NOOOOOO!!!!! Oh, and this is my first time to your BLOG. (Screams to the Heavens again) YEEEEESSSSS!!!!!
Rich Knight, at 6/03/2006 12:36 PM
Very cool
DrG, at 6/04/2006 6:18 AM
Love it :) Keep posting!
Mischka, at 6/04/2006 11:25 AM
This is absolutely amazing!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't stop - i've only just found you & i am captivated!!!
jb, at 6/04/2006 4:41 PM
oh my god you're a candy man *O*
is incredible the most sweet that you're ^^
see you and this is the end what a fuck ¬¬U
any way see you and take care have ever see this post and all entries add me
Anonymous, at 6/04/2006 6:11 PM
Hi Andrei,
I discovered your blog today. As everyone's told you it's listed on "Blogs of Note" and it caught my eye because my partner is Persian and he feels his english is bad too.
But like I tell him, I like your accent because it's so wonderfully different from our boring American accents. So be proud that you sound different. Besides, a lot of women like accents.
I'm new to blogging and your video blogs have shed a new light on the possibilities of blogging.
Thanks for posting your life's experiences and allowing those of us that have watched in. It reminds me that we're all inter-connected and all part of this vast universe. And strangely enough your video blogs enlightened, encouraged, humored, relieved, relaxed and motivated me. They also caused me to reflect.
Amazing what a little assignment has done to 159+ people.
I look forward to your next videoblog.
Thank you
Kathy, at 6/04/2006 6:27 PM
I loved all of your episodes!And I had the same feelings like you did before came to the States.You're fuuny and a good story teller:)Great Work!
nycsummer, at 6/04/2006 9:23 PM
Soulfull, at 6/04/2006 11:34 PM
hey andrei.
just gota say this.
i'm stil waiting man..!!!
hani, at 6/05/2006 1:19 AM
Hey andrei, now no more bad english for you. visit mine blog and you will be sure tranported in the world of good english.
English Good One, at 6/05/2006 2:25 AM
hey u got a nice do u put this banner pic nd stuff?can u help me out on it..
Ridhi, at 6/06/2006 2:43 AM
Your last post? NO ! Why? We want more...
PRU, at 6/06/2006 11:00 AM
your a great guy! love the blog, please keep going :)
Jules, at 6/06/2006 10:01 PM
very interesting
Marina, at 6/06/2006 11:26 PM
i read everithing *o*
see you andrei and add me xD
take care ^^
Anonymous, at 6/07/2006 9:07 PM
This is a great - incredibly relatable (here is my bad english shining thru) stories by any immigrant, especially from the Soviet Block - much appreciated.
Sander, at 6/07/2006 11:47 PM
Great blog. I have a question. Is it true that a person can lose their accent or not lose their accent after a certain age? just wondering. please respond. thanks.
*Tanyetta*, at 6/08/2006 2:26 AM
excellent post!!! keep going dude!!
deepsat, at 6/08/2006 5:49 AM
Pozdravlyau! 177 comments,
it's something :-)
Yep, with mine 178.
Argrow Images, at 6/08/2006 8:55 AM
Please, keep on videoblogging! It's my first visit to your blog and I'd like to see more.
Must say that your English is not at all bad. Only your accent gives away that you must be of Russian decent.
Froggy64, at 6/08/2006 1:00 PM
Well it appears that everyone has already said all that I wanted to must have every female, (and maybe some males) totally in love with you. Your lovely voice, your talent in storytelling, the video and the fact that you are adorable. It took me two days but I read it all and all the comments. I wonder if you've read them all and if you ever respond. I totally enjoy your site and I think that you should turn this into a documentary to see on the Sundance Channel. I would rent it! Then you can branch out into directing your own major motion picture ok?
BTW, went to Russia in 1973, Moscow, Kiev and Leningrad. I was 16 and stupid and I am lucky to be here now..;-)
You rock Andrei!
wmnnj, at 6/09/2006 4:34 PM
Oh, and I blog too but no one reads it or leaves comments because while I speak English very well, I certainly don't speak the language of the masses...what is it they say, "common sense is the least common of the senses"?
Looking with great anticipation to the next vlog!
wmnnj, at 6/09/2006 4:38 PM
Andrei, you are a GREAT story teller. You truely have a gift. This is the first video-blog I have ever seen and I am greatly impressed. I will keep viewing as long as you post.
Alex, at 6/10/2006 7:30 PM
well this is the one hundred eighty two xD
bye bye andrei ^^
Anonymous, at 6/15/2006 1:05 AM
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